Thuc hien vi nen kinh te bat on chung
Giới thiệu:
- THAI LE MINH AND SONS Co.,Private Company is sociate company working in section consultant ,design for web and construction.The all are ready and opening with any person.
Mr.Siro motor ,one professional become from engineer and ready welcome to any one.
N/I/L/ and sons ltd Co., Design Asia Co., Ltd (NIL -TML) is a member of the THAI LE MINH AND Sons Co., Group, and established in Aug 2012 in Vietnam
Our services in Vietnam:
• Providing consultancy and design services including architectural design, interior design, landscape design, urban planning design and other design services for construction works.
• Providing consultancy and engineering services including electrical, plumbing, mechanical and structural works related to constructional and technical works.
• Providing design service for projects in WB,Quata...Nigeria,NNPC...
N/I/L/ and sons ltd Co., Design Asia Co., Ltd (NIL -TML) is a member of the THAI LE MINH AND Sons Co., Group, and established in Aug 2012 in Vietnam
Our services in Vietnam:
• Providing consultancy and design services including architectural design, interior design, landscape design, urban planning design and other design services for construction works.
• Providing consultancy and engineering services including electrical, plumbing, mechanical and structural works related to constructional and technical works.
• Providing design service for projects in WB,Quata...Nigeria,NNPC...
- N/I/L And Sons Co. Ltd was established in 2012 as a direct result of the founders being involved successfully in building construction within countries and working in partnership with major foreign construction contractors.
- THAI LE MINH AND SONS Co., is member of Incorporation global and we start business in sector as financial consultant and supervisor consultant.Other business is agency for grout and paint.
- To date the company founders has been involved in professional practice within Vietnam for now more than 10 years and have, in tandem with them, a wealth of highly qualified and local skilled employees;
- NIL has grown with Vietnam’s infrastructure and energy sectors becoming a specialized and diverse company in meeting clients expectations for services, manpower and technical resources;
- The core of our company is based on providing a range of services to project developers or industry and being able to do so in a responsive manner to meet the demands of our clients and local market factors.
- More than 10 years of company experience has seen our company deliver to a high standard and with client satisfaction on government projects, industrial ventures, infrastructure and heavy industry projects as well as a long history with major foreign entities within the Vietnam oil and gas sector.
- Địa chỉ GPDK số 14 hẻm 146/11/8/14 Vương thừa vũ,P.Khương trung,Q.thanh xuân,hà nội
- Office:Tầng 12A16,Tòa nhà Chung cu103,Tan triều ,thanh tri,hà nội.
- Phone +84972282552/+84862902033
- www.shinhan.com
We will be proceed and open mind with any person.
Nói về chúng tôi
Chúng tôi đang triển khai các công việc cũng như phát triển thêm một số lĩnh vực như dầu mỏ,viễn thông,các dự án cua FIFA,world bank,tại các nước Châu phi,Trung đông.. Nikiema Avocats – Nikiema Avocats (nikiema-avocats.com)
Lĩnh vực hoạt động tại Việt nam:
-Tư vấn giám sát.
-Tư vấn tài chính
-Các dịch vụ phân phối online
-Đại lý sơn Alex,climat ,đại lý ô tô.
THÁI LÊ MINH and Sons Co.,
N/I/L And Son ltd Co.,
Add:12A16 Chung cư 103,Tân triều,Thanh trì,hà nội,VNA
H1811 Xuân mai complex,yên nghĩa,hà đông,hà nội ,VNA
Sản phẩm
Our Vision
Nikiema Avocats – Nikiema Avocats (nikiema-avocats.com)
SABB Bank/ATM 4283310102972950 valid 02/18/CVV800
Account in SABB Bank 1590722891502/Visa debit
Our Vision
Core Values
QUALITY and the drive for continuous improvement of every aspect of our business to improve service, efficiency and effectiveness
CUSTOMER DRIVEN by striving to provide services of superior value to both internal and external customers
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Em năm nay học 12 ,chuẩn bị thi học kì với tốt nghiệp xong thì e sang nhật nhưng vì sợ đi 1 mình buồn nên muốn tìm bạn cùng chí hướng đi sang đó cho khỏi lẻ loi. Không biết mn có ai có nhu cầu không ạ. E đi qua đó để du học. Ai cần thì...